Wednesday, January 18, 2006

It's a blog!

I always told myself that if I were to start a real blog, I wouldn't open it up with some generic "well, isn't it swell to be starting a blog" post, but now that I've come down actually to doing it, I realize why everyone does that: it's blasted hard to come up with something interesting to say at the drop of a hat. The meaningless intro post acts as a soothing balm to the brain, which has become angry and inflammed at the mere thought of being forced to come up with something worth reading, let alone something really brilliant. Later, when the brain is busy calming itself with the memory of the dreary pablum it has foisted off on the rest of the body, one can jump on the unsuspecting grey matter and give it a round shaking until something worthwhile drops out. At least, that's the goal.

Well, isn't it swell to be starting a blog.


At 10:51 PM, Blogger Flannery said...

Welcome to the fold! Awesome by-line, title, and screen-name. You must have an incredible elder sister.

You haven't deleted Number One Adventure Charrenge, have you? (I was planning on reading it to my grandchildren on long winter evenings).

At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, how very Wodehousian you sound. I think that is a very promising beginning. LOt's of luck in the new semester, Minkoff Minx (AKA Amanda Torretta

At 3:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here I figured that if you were to start another one of these it would be a kind of continuation of your other one and call it something like Number Two Adventure Charrenge. Ah well, cool to hear from you again bro. You get that package I sent you, by the way?

At 2:18 PM, Blogger Mrs. Bear said...

Hi, Guy Crouchback!
I am so jazzed that you have a new blog (but please leave the old one up too; it's pure delight)! I look forward to reading!

(By the way, excellent choice of template.)

God bless,
Mrs. Bear

At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for making my day, Zane!
:-) I am oh so happy the blog is back!


At 9:42 PM, Blogger Don Gately said...

It is killing me not to write something obscene and nasty as the first comment, but I'll leave it to Mr. Flory.

Glad you're back. I may have to come back, as well.

At 11:51 PM, Blogger Guy Crouchback said...

Yeah, I sort of killed the old blog because it was costing me $5 a month, and I finally got fed up with paying that after a year and a half of not updating it. I saved all the files on it, though, so if I can always put it back up somewhere else.


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